





5.blame与scoldd 的区别



       I say: "Still not be to blame you!"


       He shouldn't be to blame under the circumstances.



       vt. 责备;归咎于

       n. 责备;责任;过失

       [ 过去式blamed 过去分词blamed 现在分词blaming ]

       blame for 责备;因……责备

       take the blame 承担过错

       put the blame on 归咎于…

       be to blame for 对…应负责任;应该为某事负责任

       bear the blame 承担责任


       talk to, tell off


       duty, liability, error, burden, trust

       没有be blmed

        blmed 如果全大写可以是Bureau of Land Management (美国内政部)土地管理局



       及物动词 vt.


       He blamed you for the neglect of duty.


       I don't blame you; I blame myself.



       I am ready to take the blame for the mistake.






       blame 过失...blamed 该死的...blameful 应受责备的


       single mothers 单身母亲...blamed 谴责;归咎...lack 缺乏


       混蛋 bastard wretch...混蛋的blamed...混蛋的 blamed


       eating disorder饮食性异常...blamed责备...riding instructor骑马老师




       dad 爸爸 该死的 该死的


       dad-blamed 可恶的、该死的...|

       blamed, blaming


       n. 过失, 责备vt. 责备, 谴责...1blamed, blaming谴责;归咎...2Blame it!(美) 该死!

       the blamed


       the unemployed 失业的人...the blamed 被告...?Language Point 19

       blamed for


       helicopter gunship 武装直升机...blamed for 因……被责备、谴责...wriggle 蜿蜒而且,蠕动爬行

       与 blamed 相关的例句Success is never blamed.


       He was unfairly/unjustly blamed.


       Be we blamed for that?


       They blamed the accident on me.


       Blamed the crisis on poor planning.


       They blamed George for the failure.


       They blamed the failure on George.


       The pistol looked so blamed dangerous.


       Tom and Ann blamed each other.


       Drove so blamed slow that we were late; called me a blamed fool.





       blaming 责备...Can I have a word with




       Criticizing 挑剔...blaming 指责...Complaining 埋怨


       blamed, blaming


       n. 过失, 责备vt. 责备, 谴责...1blamed, blaming谴责;归咎...2Blame it!(美) 该死!

       blaming sons


       但觅梨与栗天运苟如此,...且近杯中物blaming sons...My temples now are covered with white hairs;

       projective blaming


       Projective Identification投射性 认同...projective blaming投射性责备...Denial否认

       stop blaming yourself


       1.Don't blame it on him!朋友说:别怪他!...2.stop blaming yourself.别再责任自己了。...3.Blame me if I don't.我要是不这样做,随你怎么责备我好了。

       与 blaming 相关的例句stop blaming or grant forgiveness.


       Demanding and blaming don't work.


       They have put forward blaming on her virtue.


       I'm not blaming anyone, much less you.


       Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't blaming you!


       She tried to get off the hook by blaming me.


       Simplistic explanations, such as blaming obesity on a drop in fat consumption, ignore scientific reality.


       When there was no letter from Jane, John buoyed his spirits up by blaming the post.


       If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.


       Don't keep on blaming me, Graham was the culprit. Put the shoe on the right foot.



       在习惯用法be to blame中表示被动意义:应该受责备




       be to blame和be blamed for的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。


       1、be to blame:对某事应负责任的,应受责备的。

       2、be blamed for:被指责为。


       1、be to blame:基本意思是对于不端行为、过失、罪过等的“责备”,有时含斥责挑剔的意味,故也可译为“责怪”“责难”。blame可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。

       2、be blamed for:基本意思是对做错的事或过失应负的责任。也可指对做错事的批评,非难或指责某人。blame是不可数名词,没有复数形式。blame表示“责备”,不一定是责备的行为,可以是“在心理上责备某人”,而那个人却不知道你在责备他。


       1、be to blame:(是)某种不良后果的原因。

       2、be blamed for:注重体现应受到的结果。




        1. 用作名词,通常是不可数名词,注意以下它与不同动词和介词搭配:

        He put [laid, cast, charged] all the blame on me. 他把一切都归咎于我。

        We were ready to take [bear, accept, get] the blame for what had happened. 我们准备对所发生的事负责。

        2. 用作动词,通常为及物动词,注意以下同义句型:

        She blamed me for the failure.=She blamed the failure on me. 她把失败归咎于我。


        Nobody is to blame for it. 这谁也不怨。

        Which driver was to blame for the accident? 这事是哪位司机的责任?


        blame sth on sb 把某事的责任归咎于某人。如:

        The driver blamed the accident on the cyclist. 司机把事故的责任归咎于骑自行车的人。


        He blamed the failure on me. / He blamed me for the failure. 他把失败归咎于我。

        be to blame for sth 对(做)某事应负责任。如:

        You are not to blame for what happened. 对所发生的事不应该由你负责。

        Which driver was to blame for the accident? 那个司机应该对事故负责?

        Who is to blame for starting the fire? 火灾的引起应该由谁来负责?

        put the blame on sb (把某事)归咎于某人。如:

        He put [laid] all the blame on me. 他把一切都归咎于我。

        The judge put [laid] the blame for the accident on the driver of the car. 法官把事故的责任归咎于汽车司机。


        vt. 指责,责怪;归咎于;

        n. 责备;责任;过失;


        1. The blame for the Charleston fiasco did not lie with him.


        2. She seemed to be placing most of the blame on her mother.


        3. If their forces were not involved, then who is to blame?


        4. Talk things through in stages. Do not accuse or apportion blame.


        5. It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure.


        6. Eleanor would later blame her mother-in-law for her husband'sfrequent absences.


blame与scoldd 的区别


       1、blame the teacher 抱怨老师

       2、blame the weather 归咎于天气

       3、blame highly 备受指责

       4、blame for doing sth 因做了某事而责备

       5、blame on〔upon〕 把…归咎于…

       6、account for blame 说出责备的话


       blame:英?[ble?m] 美?[ble?m]

       vt.?责备;把 ... 归咎于





       例句:He always blames his son.


       2、blame用作不及物动词时,可接for表示责怪的原因; 接on则指“把责任推卸给某人”。

       例句:Essex could blame, but he could also accept other men's blame.


       3、表示“某人有过失”或“该受责备”时,常用to?blame来表达,很少用被动格式to be?blamed。?blame?it on him表示blame?him for it(因……责备某人),该结构比较少见。

       例句:She is certainly to blame.?




       1、scold:vi. 责骂;叱责、vt. 骂;责骂、n. 责骂;爱责骂的人

       2、blame:vt. 责备;归咎于、n. 责备;责任;过失






       1、读音:英?[?er?(r)] 、美?[?er?r]

       2、表达意思:n. 误差;错误;过失


       accidental error?[数]?偶然误差 ; 随机误差 ; 偶然性差错 ; 偶差

       medical error?医疗过失 ; 医疗差错 ; 含医疗疏失

       error detection?错误检测 ;?[计]?检错 ;?[计]?差错检测 ; 错误侦测

       Driver Error?驱动器错误 ; 车手失误 ; 驱动器毛病 ; 驱动器纰缪

       4、例句:NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.

